Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Exerpts from "To blog or not to blog"

The following experts from page 26 of the October 9, 2009, Spruce Grove Examiner show some of the benefits of  blogging.  Large font added for emphasis.
"First of all,the word blog is short for 'web

log,' and is basically a source of information logged online.It is a very broad term,as a blog can be anything from a journal of activi- ties to commentary on current events to tips on making crafts at home....
Since this column is geared to business and marketing,I will concentrate on the busi- ness functions of blogging,but the principles apply to personal blogging and special inter- est blogs like charities,bands and schools as well.
In business,blogs are a fantastic vehicle for engaging your customers and clients ...Some of the most important benefits of abusiness blog are:
  1. It establishes a relationship between your readers and your organization.  The most likely company to get business is the one that has established a relationship of trust.Trust then enhances customer loyalty.

  2. As a more unconventional form of ad- vertising,blogs can bring heightened aware- ness of your brand.

  3. Though the information your provide is free of charge,your message can also spread free of charge by your readers passing along articles they enjoy to their friends whom they feel will benefit from the content you haveprovided.Don ’t tell me you don ’t like free ad- vertising!

  4. Your blog can help to position you as an expert authority on a given topic and build your reputation.

  5. Blogs also rank high in search engine results,so your blog will be accessible to those searching online for the kind ofinformation you provide...."
By Jake Bergen contributing writ-er and Marketing Director of Trac-
tor Beam Marketing.
Link to complete article To Blog or Not to Blog

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sponsors Summer 2009

The following is a list of sponsors for this blog:
  1. Canada Summer Jobs
  2. FACTS
  3. Centralta Tourism Society
  4. Collaborative Information Networks

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

August 20 Blogger Workshop

FACTS is hosting a workshop on August 20, 2009 to teach interested participants the components in operating the FACTSnet blogs, with and emphasis on blogs related to St. Albert 150th anniversary celebrations and our Inspiring Heritage Initiative.

For a taste of what we will be talking about that day, click here.

For more information on the general workshop, click here.

For more information, or to register for the workshop, please email factsc@gmail.com.

Friday, March 6, 2009

March 6 PD for Sub Teachers - Google Day

Email Message sent out to GSACRD Substitute Teachers.

FACTS Net Google Substitute Teacher PD Day, March 6, 2009. Please Note: To register, send an email to factsc@gmail.com indicating why you would like to attend the Google day. (Do not register with Melanie.)

The day is designed for Substitute Teachers within GSACRD who want to learn more about using Google applications (especially Blogger) with the view of networking with others and/or sharing their ideas on the Internet.

What's Being Presented: Opportunities to be involved in FactsNet (http://factsnet.blogspot.com) and Summer Programs (see Summer Heritage Network at http://hsummers.blogspot.com), including possible opportunities for employment.

As this is the first FACTSnet Google Day you will have the opportunity to participate in the early stages of developing FACTS Net.

9:00 a.m. - Start
12:00 noon - Lunch
12:30 p.m. - Afternoon session starts
3:30 p.m. - End

Location: École Secondaire Sainte Marguerite d'Youville
51 Boudreau Road, St. Albert

No Cost: As this is our first Google day there is no charge for the day. Lunch is on your own.

Workshop Leader:
David Ibsen (one of your fellow subs)
PhD. in Educational Technology & Information Systems.

In case we have more registrations than spaces in the computer lab, priority will be given to those involved in French Immersion and/or interested in FACTS summer programs (http://factsnet.blogspot.com/2008/09/participation-in-factsnet-blogs.html), and/or participating in FACTSnet, and register early. All others are welcome provided we have space.

Registration deadline is March 2 with notification of acceptance sent out on March 3.

David Ibsen

March 6, 2009 FACTSnet Workshop

 (Feedback from a participant -links have been added for viewer convenience)

It was great learning about Factsnet. As mentioned earlier I can see a lot of time and work has gone into this project. The overall intent and nature of the website was interesting. As a participant it was unique and inspirational. For example, it was very inspiring to take an object (i.e. Bellerose’s Chevy this post is only accessible to workshop participants) and view a part of history and pay a visit to that place or event.

Factsnet was obviously established and developed using a wealth of information and ideas that helps to celebrate events from both the past and the present. In other words, cherishing the old and timeless characteristics from Alberta’s traditional past (i.e. Bellerose’s Chevy) based on values and customs from the past. Blogging made it simple to post text, photos and video. Similarly, collecting and searching interesting information from the past and viewing and posting it was made simple and easy using Google Blogger as a tool. Blogging is an excellent publishing tool depending on what expectation the participant is fulfilling. Perhaps similar to using a looking glass to look back and reflecting on past history and events, such as special events and celebrations.

It was a unique way of discovering and learning about Alberta’s history. It was perhaps a bit confusing or rather difficult in understanding Marshall McLuhan’s concept of the ‘Anything Goes’ as educators always have to watch and to take care in fulfilling some aspect of learning as expectations and goals are apart of our success as educators.

The relevance of Marshall McLuhan’s quote helped in directing the eye towards what Factsnet describes as a ‘value based information and resource medium’ and along with Tom Neven’s quote that states: ‘modern communications are non-linear, disjointed, image-based and entertainment centered’. As well, it was very nice to see Premier Ed Stelmach’s speech as the official means and influence for Factsnet, as our future depends on working together as a community. Great to read how Alberta was established as a province based on our rich natural history.

Furthermore, it was interesting knowing that the ‘T’ in the acronym FACTS network comes from the word ‘twining’ meaning that family and community must work together in order to create a ‘value based information and resource medium’ like strands of baler twine. Perhaps a logo (i.e. decorative cloth or garment could help to create the visual image that twining symbolizes working together like strands of baler twine).

As a first time participant in a Factsnet workshop it seemed a bit awkward learning the how-to methods for blogging. Nevertheless, it was great fun creating, researching and learning how-to edit and create posts, as well as make comments, however as mentioned previously I felt a mentoring approach and/or training material may help to guide Factsnet participants, as there is a lot of material to learn in the workshop.

Based on my educational experience it was great to do something different both as a teacher and learner. Enjoyed the commitment and sharing of ideas that the Factsnet workshop offered as I felt it was a very productive and successful workshop and I look forward to any future workshops. Thank you, Dave it was great sharing this professional development day with you.

Yours truly,

Wendy Serbin

Friday, January 23, 2009

Participating in FACTSned (FACTS Educational Networks)

These suggestions for educators are modifications to the Participation in FACTSnet Blogs post.

  1. Commenter – anyone with Internet access can comment and vote on any blog, depending on how the blog is set up.
  2. Author – individuals need to be invited to contribute as an author of a blog by the blog coordinator.

    • K-6 teachers are authors and need to sign in students.
    • 7-12 Students age 13 and over can become authors (it is suggested that parental consent be obtained)

  3. Administrators – can edit other people’s and posts and delete inappropriate comments.

    • Teachers and responsible students.
    • For inter-school blogs higher grade students can edit the work of lower grades. 

  4. Teacher Coordinators – have full access to several blogs and can start new blogs in their network.  Coordinators also provide training for authors , administrators and new coordinators.  CTS credit can be given to students.

    To schedule a training session email factsc@gmail.com

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